Friday 14 June 2013

Fat is Fat-Period!

When you see the rind on bacon, what is it? When you pour the liquid away from a roast joint of meat, what is it? When a casserole cools with a solid white layer on top, what is it?
It's FAT! And that is what we call it.

Why do we pussy foot around the word 'fat' when it comes to our bodies? The people I see who will actually say “I'm fat” are the ones I can usually help. Why? Because they are not hiding behind the language nonsense of 'cuddly', big-boned' or 'overweight'; they have admitted the truth and want to do something about it.

It may not be PC but get real and if you want to describe your excess layers as 'cuddly' please go buy more 'cuddly' bacon!


PS We can all be described as, and be cuddly-it's nothing to do with weight!

Monday 7 January 2013

Have Your Cake & Enjoy It

It's been a very weird 24 hours. 3 people from my past have contacted me in the last 24 hours. So bizzare but very lovely.

What has this got to to do with weight loss? Well I have been thinking a great deal about 'mindful eating' recently. especailly over the Chritmas and New Year Period. And during all of the conversations, which hadn't been planned I had been eating. The last person rang me just as I was abotu to drink a cup of tea and eat the last piece of my mothers' delicious Christmas cake. I ate it whilst talking on the phone and was really disappointed afterwards because I realised that actually I hadn't taken time to enjoy and savour all the flavours. And that's it now for 11 months.

The point being, if you are going to eat, do take some time to be mindfully aware, so you can smell, taste and enjoy AND notice when you have eaten enough.

The old saying' a calorie not tasted is a calorie wasted' in my case 'cake'

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Eat Mindfully this Christmas

Gentle reminder to really think about what you are eating and drinking this Christmas. Already the January magazines are out filled with the latest diet craze, but what if you just thought about what you are eating thus year. Mindless eating is a complete waste of time and calories.
I ask you, what is the point of having a gloriously rich Christmas Pud or home made mince pie if you don't taste the blessed thing? So allow some space for smelling and tasting instead of stuffing it all in whilst your eyes are glued to the box!

Parties are the worst time when a buffet is spread out but not that difficult to manage really;

1. eat before you go so you will already be full.
2. stay an arms length away from the table
3. only have 2 items on your plate at any one time
4. put your food down to concentrate on the conversation
5. pile up the veggies and be mean with dips
6. for every alcoholic drink, have a glass of water (having said that, it didn't work for me on Saturday night. Oh dear what a headache!)

Have a super super time and enjoy


Monday 1 October 2012

Lose Weight- Eat Soup

My non professional photo! Reheated for lunch today 

The only good thing about this weather is that I loved making soup again yesterday. Not being a terribly enthusiastic cook, making soup satisfies the need to feel that I am providing my family with tasty and nutritious food. Being a good mummy in other words and not feeding my child junk!

Roasted squash soup was delicious and I have enough over to fill my thermos for work in the clinic tomorrow. I have a thermos that you can microwave. Brilliant!

Found the recipe as I often do on and didn't bother with the parsley puree (too much faff!) but did sprinkle chopped parsley and grated parmesan on top.

Have a little go this month as veggie soups do fill you up, are low in calories and really good for your energy levels. Easy to freeze too for emergency lunches at work and home.

Have a souper month


Friday 24 August 2012

August Top Tips For Young & Healthy

August Top Actions for Staying Young & Healthy

  1. Laugh at least once a day. When was the last time you had a good old belly laugh? Even when I am on my own I listen to funny programmes or read an article that makes me chuckle.
  2. Give out good energy. Practice smiling at everyone you meet, even if you don't feel like it, you will feel better I promise. Remember the old saying “if you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours”
  3. Stay fully engaged. This is tough to do and vitally important. When you speak on the phone, do you find yourself doing other 'stuff' too? Unless it's a really annoying call centre (in which case I have other tips!) decide to listen with all your attention. Give that person your emotional presence as you would wish them to do with you.
  4. Plan your food especially for those times when you know eating healthily will be a challenge. Freeze ahead to take the stress out of those times. My colleagues are often commenting how nice my soup or risotto smells as they eat a takeaway sandwich.
  5. Employ an expert. Heres the sales pitch! Pain makes you feel old!! Either find an expert to diagnose, treat and help you prevent re-occurrence or use an expert for preventative measures. My physio's and other therapists often have clients who come regularly to stay supple and mobile or to prepare for events. I see clients who use me as a sounding board to offload stress and find solutions to seemingly insurmountable problems. Call 0118 978 2409

    Have a great month

Monday 23 July 2012

Summer Salad, easy lunch idea

Summer for one week only only and this weekend I have been making the most of the fresh produce in my garden. I only have a really small 'crib' in which I grow salad leaves, rocket, lambs lettuce, parsley, carrots and beetroot, but it's so nice to pick fresh foods and know there's no crap been sprayed on it. In planters scattered around my door, there is more parsley, chives, thyme, basil and rosemary.

For a simple lunch that won't make you tired toast some rye bread (in packets of about 6 not the fresh one), drizzle 'good' oil on it and pile up with avocado, tomato, salad leaves and herbs. Rye bread is high in fiber and low in fat and very tasty.

By the way, I'm no green fingered genius, all the herbs were planted on from supermarket bought ones and the seeds sown in my crib tool all of 20 minutes to do. Give it a go, eating your own food gives a lovely smug feeling!

Thursday 10 May 2012

Feel the Guilt and Do Something About It

“You know what it’s like, you eat a whole chocolate bar and then you feel so guilty about it don’t you?” Well no I don’t, and that’s not me being smug, I do eat whole chocolate bars but I don’t feel guilty. That’s the difference. I do something about it. If I have pigged out I get down the pool and have a longer or harder swim. If my trousers feel a little tight it makes me feel very uncomfortable psychologically as well as physically because that is not who I am. My image of me as a slim person has been in my head since the day I saw myself wearing my mother’s clothes after my second child. Determined to never see that again I did something about it. What image do you have in your head and what do you need to do?

Go ahead and feel guilty but use that guilt to motivate yourself to get active and not put yourself in a prison of self-loathing.  Get angry if necessary, refuse to accept the feelings and decide to exchange them for positive and helpful ones such as respect and love.  

Just get out for a walk to clear your head and give you some energy to think straight. Work out why you keep doing things that make you feel guilty. What do you get out of it? And then make a plan to do something about it. What one thing could you do now to make you feel healthier and move you towards being trimmer and feeling good about yourself.